Saturday, March 2, 2013

In response to Julianne Braverman's post:

Do you think that you would be able to give up your cell phone for a day or a week and be able to get through the few days not being connected at all time?

I could definitely survive for a week without my cell phone but everythnig wouldn't be the same. Our generation is dependent on using our cell phones to contact one another every single day. I would hang out with my friends less, and do less activities in general because i wouldn't have a way to contact anyone. There are not many people that could go too long without their phone in our generation. The problem would be socializing without a phone. It is almost impossible in my eyes to be socially connected with everyone and not have a cell phone in today's world.
As a consumer, I feel as if I am not affected by brand names or logos to convince me to buy a product. Companies spend too much time advertising their brand instead of more an advertisement of their product or service. If the product or service is at top quality then people will come regardless of what your brand looks like.Companies like Absolut and Starbucks want to prove that they don't need their famous brands to sell their stuff. Absolut can still sell their alcohol without a brand and Starbucks can open up a coffee shop with a different name and still be successful. Brand names are not what matters. It's how the company is run, and how much demand for their product or service there is. Do you think brand names or logos are an important impact on the selling of the product?